administration official

美 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn əˈfɪʃl]英 [ədˌmɪnɪˈstreɪʃn əˈfɪʃl]
  • 行政官员
administration officialadministration official
  1. The risk is not higher than it was for [ the Olympics in ] London , said a senior administration official .


  2. Name the administration official , I 've done it .


  3. An administration official declined to explain the thinking behind the new requirement .


  4. But a senior administration official says it 's too soon to say that .


  5. ' There is a lot more hope , ' a senior Obama administration official said .


  6. Everyone knows we have to deal with this , insists one senior administration official .


  7. A senior administration official called it a good concept and added more discussion with Congress is necessary .


  8. National Energy Administration official said the concept of " new-energy model cities " is still in the early stage of development .


  9. In today 's podcast , a sixth National Energy Administration official becomes the target of a graft investigation .


  10. Mr Obama has in fact been thinking long and hard about climate change since the election , according to a senior administration official .


  11. An administration official suggests that money originally set aside to buy the troubled assets of financial firms may be used for job creation .


  12. A senior administration official said that for all the talk of alternatives to the dollar , it remained the currency of choice .


  13. ' This outdoor barbecuing can cause the PM2.5 to rise rapidly , ' a city administration official told CCTV .


  14. Sports administration official Liu Xiaonong admitted they may have some challenges in convincing these young people to compete for China in the Olympic Games .


  15. That is our nightmare – Scottish independence followed by a British exit from the EU , said a senior administration official .


  16. A senior Obama administration official said that the upgraded aircraft would increase the survivability , reliability and combat capability of the Taiwan air force .


  17. ' Whoever did the job would be politically assassinated , 'said one administration official . 'The car czar became a political hot potato .


  18. " Wehope Iran will see the IAEA vote as disturbing " and will change course , a senior Administration official says .


  19. Obama called Bush and Clinton to preview his statement , said the senior administration official , who refused to be identified on the call .


  20. If you are going to have a regional conference with Afghanistan you have to include the country that it is on their western border , said one administration official .


  21. Former senator Pete Domenici and former Clinton administration official Alice Rivlin led a task force that presented its plan on Wednesday .


  22. Meanwhile a tax administration official said the current economic situation provides a good opportunity for raising taxes , and efforts by tobacco control advocates have begun to influence policymakers .


  23. An administration official says the changes include more rights for terror suspects including picking their own and a ban on evidence obtained by cruel treatment such as .


  24. The first batch of additional troops will arrive by Christmas and the overall buildup will be completed by next summer , a senior administration official told reporters .


  25. Another senior administration official said the earlier missile launches were " mostly successful " but were intended to test parts of the anti-satellite system before conducting a final test .


  26. A senior administration official was quoted as saying that , although combat forces had drawn down to 50000 , the formal U.S. mission would still change on August 31 .


  27. An administration official said the new document " will not represent a major shift in US policy " and is not being written to relax the rules for the military 's use of space .


  28. Which responsibility can become the moral responsibility , and how to making a clear distinction to the moral responsibility , are the important precondition to realize the moral responsibility of the public administration official .


  29. The opening of the door to a negotiated settlement was welcomed in Washington where an administration official said : " we have always been ready to discuss an agreement with the EU . "


  30. Last week , U.S. climate envoy John Kerry traveled to Shanghai to meet his Chinese counterpart Xie Zhenhua , marking the first high-level visit to China by a Biden administration official .
